Hello my name is Isabela Herrera and this is my second year in the fashion design program. I decided to pursue my love for fashion in 2020 during the pandemic. I taught myself how to sew, started my own clothing brand and sold my handmade clothing on Depop in June of 2020. To my surprise my brand grew more than ever expected and I couldn’t meet the demand. I created my own website, hired on two family members to help me run my business but with school and work it became impossible. I made the decision to move to a bigger scale and explore garment manufacturing. After a year and a half I made the choice to put a pause on the business degree I was pursuing and come to Fullerton college to expand my knowledge and skills as a fashion designer. All of my designs are currently produced locally at a garment manufacturer in Orange County. However, my end goal is to use all of the skills I’ve learned here in the fashion design program to create my own professional patterns and garments for my clothing brand.
I am drafting a pattern from our pattern making textbook and creating a garment out of my finished pattern. I will be sourcing fabric, sewing the garment together and fitting it to a dress form.
I believe my submission will reflect the theme of technology in fashion because I am using the skills I’ve learned from pattern making 1 and 2 to follow instructions from my textbook to create an advanced pattern. Additionally, I will be using that pattern to sew a garment together which utilizes my sewing skills.

Behind the Scenes